Vehicle Pickup Services

For the purposes of convenience to our customers, we offer pick up services to clients who for one reason or the other are unable to bring the vehicle to our loading zone. For us to do this smoothly we will require the clients to inform us in advance about their intentions to have us come for the pickup. You should however note that this service comes with additional charges depending on the location of the pickup point.

We will send a driver and a truck to the agreed location. He will then pick up the vehicle and bring it back to our yard where it will stored awaitting final transportation. For us not to waste a lot of time during the pickup we strongly advice that you leave the car keys and in a place where it will be easy for the driver to find it. You can as well leave it with the neighbor and inform them about our coming for the pickup. It’s also imperative that you leave behind important documents such as insurance certificates, evidence of ownership and any other special instruction about operating the car that might be helpful for the driver.

Feel free to email us or give us a call if you need more information about our pickup services.